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  • Fotograf: Quentin Willot
    Foto: Quentin Willot
  • Fotograf: Quentin Willot
    Foto: Quentin Willot
  • Fotograf: Quentin Willot
    Foto: Quentin Willot


: jh
Bedste identifikationsfoto udvalgt af Naturbasen medlemmer
Foto: Quentin Willot


af Kystjordmyre baseret på Naturbasens observationer:
Kystjordmyre - udbredelseskort

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af Kystjordmyre baseret på Naturbasens observationer:
Kystjordmyre - ugentlig fordeling
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Kystjordmyre - månedlig fordeling


: (1) The L. meridionalis/umbratus group species can be distinguised in Denmark from other Chthonolasius by the presence of >20 erected setae on the hind tibiae and scapes (Collingwood 1979). (2) L. meridionalis can be distinguised from L. umbratus by the following characteristics: a shallower petiolar groove, and flattened hind tibiae in lateral view, oval in cross section (Collingwood 1979; Czechowski et al., 2002).


: A typical underdetected hypogean sand dwelling species, commonly found in Denmark nesting under rocks along the costaline.
Litteratur brugt til denne beskrivelse
Collingwood, C. A. (1979). The Formicidae (Hymenoptera) of Fennoscandia and Denmark. Scandinavian Science Press.

Czechowski, W., Radchenko, A., & Czechowska, W. (2002). Ants (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) of Poland.

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